
Paintball Etiquette 101: What You Should Know

Paintball Etiquette 101: What You Should Know

On your way to the field for the first time? Make sure you make paintball friends rather than paintball foes. While the sport does involve a decent amount of pain, there are ways to dole out direct hits in a winsome way. With over 30 years of experience on the field, we at Lone Wolf Paintball have spent a lot of time on the field observing good sportsmanship and downright bad manners that will get you kicked out of any field.

Be Nice to the New Players

The number one thing that we love to see on the paintball field is experienced players being nice to newcomers. The one thing that every paintballer has in common is that, at one point, we were all beginners playing our first game. Now, the vast majority of paintballers are welcoming. However, there are a few people who have tried to go hard in the paint (literally) with the newbies and ultimately ended up discouraging them from the sport. If a new player comes up to you and asks about your brand new Luxe IDOL, maybe let them take it to the chrono-range and give it a quick try! We’re all here trying to build the sport of paintball, and being nice helps. Conversely, don’t go light up the people who are still using rental equipment or the young teenagers who are obviously there on their first paintball game day. Rentals are friends; not food.

Always Listen to the Referee

Referees are not out there making millions of dollars a year. In fact, many referees are getting paid in paint by the local field. Whether you agree with the ref or not, just listen to them and don’t turn it into a big argument. At most, it may be appropriate to go to the ref after the game and ask them why they made that call. However, in non-competition games where nothing is on the line other than your pride, just let the issue lie. If you argue, you could be given a penalty or even kicked off the field.

Follow the Safety Rules

Basic things like always keeping your goggles on and having the barrel covers on in the staging area are very important. These rules exist for a reason. Triggers accidentally get pulled, and ricocheted shots sometimes happen. Many players have taken their goggles off while on the field to clean the fog off. This is NEVER a good idea. If you can’t see, call yourself out, walk off the field, clean your goggles, and then come back on. As a corollary to this, don’t shoot in the staging area. This area is designated as neutral and shot-free. If you have to discharge your marker to see if it’s working, put your goggles on before walking onto the field, then take your barrel cover off and pull the trigger.

Bring Your Snacks and Hydration

Bring your Transfuse and your beef jerky! Don’t leave home without bringing food with you. Nobody likes the guy who is trying to bum snacks and sips off of other people and it’s likely that lunchtime won’t leave you with enough time to go out and get something to eat. So make sure you bring lunch and snacks with you to keep you fueled and ready to go on the field.

Don’t Be A Pansy!

Don’t be a pansy—you know what we mean! We’ve all seen that one guy who hangs back and never risks getting shot. The good news for him is that he will probably never get shot. The bad news for his team is that they’re essentially down a man. As people get better at playing paintball, they quickly discover that an aggressive posture is one of the keys to winning. Yes, you will get shot more, but you’ll also win more. If you’re worried about getting hurt, paintball is probably not the sport for you. However, if you want a sport that rewards your aggression and willingness to risk getting hurt for victory, welcome to paintball!

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re just starting out or have been playing for a long time, getting a refresher on basic paintball etiquette can make the game more enjoyable for everyone. If you’re ready to get out on the field and are looking for the best source of paintball equipment, head over to the Lone Wolf Paintball online store for the best selection of paintball gear anywhere! We look forward to seeing you on the field!

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Do You Need Expensive Paintball Gear?

Do You Need Expensive Paintball Gear?

Does expensive gear actually matter? We at Lone Wolf Paintball will be honest with you. If you are a weekend warrior, going out a few times a year or even once a month. The answer in this case is simply, “no.” You don’t need expensive gear to just mess around and have a good time. However, if your goal is to be competitive (rather than just to have a good time), then you may want to look at investing in some higher-end gear.

We’ve put together a few combos–beginner packages–and compared it to something that a high-end competitor would use.

Weekend Warrior Gear

Weekend warrior gear is perfect for those of you who just want to get out occasionally and your main goal is having fun. If you’re happy with the adrenaline pump of diving behind wood pallet bunkers out in the woods, this is the gear for you.

Tippmann 98 Custom

The Tippmann 98 Custom has been around for decades and is a mainstay of the sport. This gun is tried and true–a fully mechanical gun. It is the AK-47 of the paintball world and can be used and abused without fear of failure. It can go through the dirt, mud, and water and it will fire every single time. If you go out there and don’t have fun with it, you’re doing something wrong. This gun is right around $160 and will get paintballs flying out on the field. 


Gravity-fed hoppers that feed the paint down into the paintball marker start at around $10. You can move up to something that is electronic like the Protoyz Speedster Loader which feeds around 10 balls per second and costs around $35. Just like a subcompact 4-cylinder car will go 55mph just as fast as a Corvette, the Protoyz loader will feed paint more than quickly enough to keep up with your trigger finger.


The Dye SE Single Pane Goggle is a great option to keep you safe while on the field. We would recommend thermal goggles just to minimize fogging which can seriously detract from enjoying the game. However, for only $30, this mask will get you on the field safely. There are a lot of people who only own Goggles and then decide to rent the rest of their equipment which is kind of a smart idea. It’s kind of gross when you go to a field and then put on the same mask that a 350lb sweat factory named Lars was wearing only 30 minutes ago.

Air Tanks

The HK Army 48/3000 Tank is a great little tank that only costs around $50 but can occasionally be found on sale for less. This tank will hold enough air for about 500 shots which is normally more than enough to get you through a game of woodsball.

Competitive Paintball Gear

After a couple of years of “budget-balling,” you might get really hooked on the game and decide that you want to invest some serious resources into your paintball setup. 

Competitive Markers

The HK Army Shredder IDOL, compared to the Tippmann 98, is a competition-level marker that costs close to $2000. These kinds of flagship markers are electric and allow players to get off several rounds of paint per second. Many of these markers feature tool-less maintenance, LED screens, and Bluetooth connectivity to connect with your hopper. If you have the money and just want to have fun in paintball you could buy one of these. It might be a little overkill. However, if you want to be competitive in the sport, a higher-end marker would be required for you to be competitive.

Competitive Goggles

A competitive goggle would be a Virtue VIO Ascend which retails for about $100. This is a lot fancier, has better breathability, and comes with a thermal lens out of the box.

Competitive Loader

The Virtue Spire V would be a great example of a competitive loader. This loader retails for about $250 and comes with all the bells and whistles. It has a speed feed, and spring ramps, is fully electronic, and will even cup your (paint)balls! There are also infrared sensor eyes that sense whether you’re feeding paint or not to engage the motor.

Competitive Tank

The HK Army 77/4500 Air System is a complete air system made of reinforced carbon fiber making it one of the lightest and strongest air tanks on the market. With this air tank, you can adjust almost everything–the bonnet, the output pressure, and more!

Final Thoughts

While it’s not necessary to have expensive paintball gear, it is nice to have your own equipment. You can easily get yourself out of the rental arena with only a few hundred dollars of investment. You don’t have to break the bank with the newest flagship-everything. In fact, just a simple Tippmann 98 or a Mini GS could be more than sufficient to get you out on the field and throwing paint around. However, other paintballers will get their feet wet and decide to go all in with the best of the best. Regardless of which camp you fall into, Lone Wolf Paintball has all the equipment you need as a weekend warrior or a professional paintballer. For the best selection of paintball equipment anywhere, take a look at our online store!

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Lone Wolf Paintball: NXL 2024

Lone Wolf Paintball: NXL 2024

Lone Wolf Paintball started from humble beginnings over 40 years ago and has since grown to become the nation’s number-one source of paintball equipment. As such, we’re proud to be attending the NXL 2024 World Cup! 

The NXL World Cup is the must-attend event of the year and will feature some of the best players in the world, beefing it out on the field! The event, held in Kissimmee Florida, will be run from November 6th - 10th, and teams, players, fans, and companies will come from all over the world to attend, including Lone Wolf Paintball.

We’ll be there meeting with some of the biggest names in the sport, enjoying the friendly competition, and creating some of the best content we’ve ever produced! As one of the biggest sponsors of NXL 2024, we’re excited to attend and be a part of this amazing event and sport. If you also plan on attending, make sure you come say hi–who knows? You may even feature in one of the videos we’ll be shooting!

For more information about The Paintball Worldcup, see their page here. See you soon!
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Guide to Buying Your First Paintball Pod Pack

Guide to Buying Your First Paintball Pod Pack

Paintball pod packs, also known as paintball harnesses, are important parts of the paintball game since they allow you to carry extra ammunition. With many players shooting 10-20 balls per second, a hopper full of paintballs will last for about 10-20 seconds. Considering that the average match lasts several minutes, it’s important to carry more paint with you so that you can remain in the fight after all the paint in your hopper is gone.

If you’re just getting into paintball, you may be wondering which pod pack is the best option for you. Today, we’ll take a look at several different options on the market along with important considerations for newer and experienced paintballers.

For a video guide of buying your first paintball pod pack, take a look at our YouTube video below:

Tippmann Sport Series Pod Pack

The Tippmann Sport Series Pod pack costs $13 and is the most entry-level pod pack on the market. This “what you see is what you get” pod pack will hold two or three pods—depending on the configuration you select—securely around your waist. This pod pack is adjustable and fastens with a traditional clip. It is a great option for new players or players on a strict budget.

Tippmann Sport Series Harness

The Tippmann Sport Series Harness is a step up from the Sport Series Pod Pack and retails for about $40. The added benefit of this pod pack (harness) is the additional carrying capacity for four paintball pods instead of two, and an additional air tank, which is great for scenario players who run remote lines. This harness has a dual belt system that helps secure the harness around your midsection. The arms of the harness are also long enough to fit most body circumferences. Players should note that, for both harnesses mentioned so far, there is no padding or additional consideration for comfort.

Gen X Global Deluxe Tactical Vest

The Gen X Global Deluxe Tactical Vest is a great option for magazine-fed paintball markers but may not be ideal for speedballers because of the extra bulk it adds. This vest is fully padded with mesh ventilation, which is important for scenarios that may drag on for hours. The straps on this vest are also adjustable with Velcro and will fit almost any sized paintballer. The versatility and carrying capacity of this vest make it stand out. There’s a chest pouch for storage, ammo tubes for pump-action paintballers, sleeves for magazines, and more. On the back of the vest, there’s also a pouch for a water bladder, so you can stay hydrated during long stints on the field. There is also a place for a tank (an additional tank or a tank to run a line from) and several pouches for pod packs, all of which are detachable with Velcro.

Empire Omega 4 Pod Harness

Moving on to speedball pod packs, the Empire Omega 4 Pod Harness is a great option for paintball players who need speed and a low profile. These harnesses retail for only $25 and are a great entry point for newer speedballers. The padding on this is lacking a little; however, for the price point, it’s about what one would expect. This harness also comes with elastic bands that help to push the pod out when you release the Velcro strap.

Valken Fate GFX 4+3 Harness

The Valken Fate GFX 4+3 Harness retails for $35 and is a great option with some more advanced features than the Empire Omega 4 Pod Harness. This harness has a double belt system, which the Omega doesn’t. However, the padding on the Valken Fate is still fairly minimal, which can make a difference when carrying seven pods of paint and sprinting on the field for a few hours. The main benefit of this harness, besides the double belt, is the extra carrying capacity offered—three additional pods.

HK Army Eject

The HK Army Eject retails from $75-$80 and comes in 3+2, 4+3, and 5+4 configurations. However, there are two additional sleeves on both sides (four in total), making these harnesses more like a 3+6, 4+7, or 5+8. In addition to excellent carrying capacity, this pod pack has a dual belt system as well. However, the real benefit of this harness is the additional padding and ventilation, which come in handy while carrying large numbers of paintballs. On the inside of the belt, there’s also silicone tacking that helps to keep the harness in place while on the field. A quick note for bigger paintballers: this harness does have a circumference limit, which makes it a better harness for small and medium-sized waists.

HK Army Magtek Harness

The HK Army Magtek Harness retails for $95 and is an excellent harness option for more experienced and even professional players. This harness comes with two belts but also has additional tightening systems to help keep the pods stable and as close to your body as possible. Underneath the removable back padding, players will find different tension control options to help secure different-sized pods. Like the Eject, there are also four additional sleeves on either side of the main sleeves. Furthermore, the main sleeves are secured with strong magnets rather than with Velcro, which makes pod removal and cleaning more convenient.

HK Army Zero G-X

The HK Army Zero G-X is the most elite harness on this list and retails for $110. For those who want to carry nearly an entire extra case’s worth of paintballs, this is the harness for you. The padding on this harness is excellent, and the four different belts with Velcro will keep this harness closer to you than some of your internal organs. In terms of comfort, this harness has three different pads—two hip pads and a lumbar pad—all of which are removable. Underneath the back pads, there is full tension control if you plan on using different-sized pods. Without a doubt, this is a great option for serious players.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of different considerations when purchasing your first paintball pod pack and your other accessories. Above all, make sure that you get a vest that fits well and has solid support. Whether you’re looking for your first speedball paintball gun or any other paintball outfitting, head on over to our online paintball store. At Lone Wolf Paintball, we have the best selection of markers and accessories you’ll find anywhere. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable team, who will point you in the right direction.

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Guide to Buying Your First Paintball Mask

Guide to Buying Your First Paintball Mask

So far in this series of “firsts,” we’ve covered buying your first paintball gun, buying your first speedball paintball gun, and buying your first hopper. In this article, we’ll cover different things to consider when buying your first paintball mask as well as some great options to buy. The mask is one of the most important pieces of protective equipment because it protects the most vulnerable parts of your body during paintball–your mouth, eyes, and ears. There may be different considerations with price when it comes to paintball guns, loaders, and air tanks. However, one thing we don’t recommend skimping on is the piece of equipment that protects your vision. With that in mind, let’s jump into some different considerations and different masks.

Dye SE Mask

The Dye SE Mask is a great mask to get you all the essentials and keep you safe on the paintball field. This mask costs about $30 and is a basic molded mask whose only job is keeping your face safe. You won’t find any fancy extractor fans or thermal lenses, but if all you need is to keep your face safe on a budget, this is a great mask to do just that.

As a quick note to the reader–the Dye SE Mask is literally the cheapest mask to get you out onto the field. Many people look on Amazon for flashier masks that they can find at a lower price but these are NOT SAFE for paintball. We tested a popular knock-off mask on a YouTube video and the third shot actually broke the lens which is dangerous for two reasons. First, it will not protect your eyes from a paintball strike. Second, the broken plastic will shatter and turn into shrapnel which can then be blown into your eyes making it more dangerous than if you didn’t have a mask to begin with. Take a look at the shocking full-length video below:


The HK Army HSTL mask sells for about $45 and comes with a dual pane thermal lens. The great thing about thermal lenses is that they minimize temperature differences inside and outside of the lens which helps reduce much of the fogging that can occur while playing paintball. One of our favorite features on this mask is the number of straps that you can find on it–a head strap, a chin strap, and a top strap to make sure that everything stays in place. This makes it a great option for younger players or players with smaller heads. The HSTL mask also comes with removable foam which is very important after you’ve been wearing it for some time. The foam will eventually break down, but, since it’s removable, you can remove the foam and simply replace it with new foam. This mask also has great ventilation which helps keep you cool and fog-free.

JT Proflex

The JT Proflex Goggles are the first goggles on this list that start to get into more advanced features. Priced at $85, these goggles are less rigid than the HK Army HSTL and the Dye SE which is important to reduce the likelihood of ball breakage. The other two goggles were made out of a single piece of rigid plastic. However the JR Proflex goggles have a rigid plastic section around the ears and eyes but the mouth and chin guards are made of a flexible composite. While this does provide moderately less protection, it does reduce the likelihood of ball breakage which becomes a greater concern than safety at higher levels of the game. In fact, most masks above this price point will have some sort of flexible protection or even minimal protection around the chin and neck to reduce the breakage. In addition to a more flexible protection, these goggles are also the most customizable on the market–you can change out the straps, lenses, ear protection, and more! 

Virtue Vio Ascend

The Virtue Vio Ascend goggles retail for $100 and are loved by players because of how easy the lens-swap system is. These goggles are very modular, so in addition to the lens swap, it’s easy to switch out the foam inside of the goggles whenever it gets worn out. For players who wear glasses while playing, these are an excellent option because of the foam configuration which allows the arms of the glasses to rest on your head without being pushed into your head. Furthermore, for those players who want an intermediate step between the rigid plastic and the flexible plastic, the VIO Ascend is a great option. The plastic neck and chin protection on these goggles is more rigid than the proflex, offering more protection. However, it’s not as rigid as the first two goggles on this list which still allows for balls to bounce off the neck guard rather than break on it.


The HK Army SLR mask is a great option for those who want some more features over the Vio Ascend. Retailing for $130, these goggles have a magnetic chin strap and a silicone pad on the back of the head strap. These two features help keep the goggles in place whenever you’re on the field. As for the flexibility, the SLR is about as flexible as the Vio Ascend which provides a good balance between flexibility and rigidity. There are also tons of different colors of lenses available to purchase and changing these lenses out is a breeze with the easy change system. This goggle system also has two-piece foam around the eyes and nose, making it ideal for players who wear glasses as well.

Empire EVS

The Empire EVS goggles are a big step up in quality and retail for about $180 and are a great workhorse of a mask. The first thing you’ll notice on the inside of the mask is the tri-layer foam which offers great impact resistance. For many paintballers with glasses, this is their #1 favorite paintball mask because of the comfort level provided. 

The neck and chin guards on the mask are also fairly flexible–like the other moderately flexible masks on this list. Breathability is also fairly solid on this mask and additional accessories such as visors can also be purchased with this mask.

Dye i5

The Dye i5 starts at around $200 and is one of the most popular paintball masks on the market. A note for players with glasses and larger noggins, this mask may not be the best selection for you since they tend to run a little tight. Like the other masks on the list, the foam is clip-in and interchangeable and might be the most comfortable foam on the marker. On the head strap, there is also a padded silicon section that helps with grip and to hold the mask in place during gameplay. The ears on this mask are also nice and flexible and the neck and chin guards are also semi-flexible. Finally, this mask comes with a camera mount so that you can record all of the action in POV.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of different considerations when purchasing your first paintball mask and other accessories. Above all, make sure that you don’t skimp on the paintball masks since you’re entrusting your vision to them–saving $15 by going to amazon is simply not worth it. So whether you’re looking for your first speedball paintball gun or any other paintball outfitting, head on over to our online paintball store. At Lone Wolf Paintball, we have the best selection of markers and accessories you’ll find anywhere. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable team who will point you in the right direction. 

Happy paintballing!

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Guide to Buying Your First Paintball Gun

Guide to Buying Your First Paintball Gun

So you’ve played a couple of rounds of paintball and you’re ready to go all in and buy your own paintball setup. We share the best beginner options for your first paintball gun purchase.
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Guide to Buying Your 1st Paintball Hopper

Guide to Buying Your 1st Paintball Hopper

If you’re in the process of buying your first speedball paintball gun, you’ll probably need to consider additional pieces of equipment such as your first paintball hopper. We take the guesswork out of the equation with our review!
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Guide to Buying Your 1st Speedball Paintball Gun

Guide to Buying Your 1st Speedball Paintball Gun

Getting into paintball can seem a bit like a black hole that keeps sucking you in. The first day you played paintball was almost certainly a combination of pain, exhilaration, and thrilling fun. Despite the pain, many people decide to go back and rent again, borrow a friend’s old paintball gun, or maybe even buy their own paintball setup. However, once you’ve had several games under your belt (or maybe even a season or two), it’s time to start your journey as a full-fledged paintballer and buy your first speedball gun.

Things to Consider

When you start thinking about your first speedball marker, you may be wondering about barrel length, portability, on/off ASAs, and much more. Many people are also (reasonably) hesitant to go in and spend thousands of dollars on a professional set up. With all of this in mind, we’ll be taking a look at the most popular beginner speedball markers on the market right now–the Empire Mini GS, Dye Rize CZR, Empire Axe 2.0, and the Planet Eclipse Etha 3.

Rate of Fire

The first thing to think about when buying your first speedball paintball gun is whether or not its rate of fire can keep up with the rest of the markers on the field. Paintball is a sport that’s as much about the quality of the shot as it is the quantity of the shots you can put downrange. 

The Empire Mini GS is electric and fully programmable meaning that it can keep up with other more advanced markers on the field. 

The Dye Rize CZR is also fully electric and fully programmable and has a number of different firing modes for different scenarios. 

The Empire AXE2.0 as well as the Planet Eclipse Etha 3 can also keep up with the average of 10.5 balls per second.

Ease of Maintenance

Some paintball markers require more tools and more technical ability to maintain than other paintball markers. 

The Empire Mini GS is fairly easy to maintain and only requires one screw to be loosened to access the bolt.

The Dye Rize CZR is also fairly straightforward. Players will need a simple allen wrench to access the bolt. In spite of the easy maintenance, some players are turned off by the external air line which many markers have ditched now. 

The Empire X 2.0 is very easy to maintain and actually has a toolless design. All you need to do is depress the push button and rotate the bolt’s face plate to remove the bolt. 

The Etha 3 is probably the easiest of all the markers to maintain. To maintain the bolt plate simply lift up on the back of the marker and the gamma core bolt will slide right out. 


All of the paintball makers here come with a two-piece barrel and they all have autococker threads. A solid barrel is important for obvious reasons–the better your barrel is, the more accurate your shots will be. We do recommend looking at two things before upgrading your barrel. First make sure you have a loader or a hopper that can keep up with the rate of fire as well as a high quality air tank. The barrels on all of the markers we’re looking at have solid 14 - 15 inch barrels and can receive an upgraded barrel kit down the road. 


Next, many players will want to consider the feedneck to make sure that it’s easy to tighten. The Empire Mini GS does require an allen wrench but it does have a locking lever clamp on the side. The Dye Rize CZR is very similar to the GS and also requires an allen wrench and comes with a flip lever to make sure that the hopper doesn’t fall off on the field. The Axe 2.0 as well as the Etha 3 have a thumbwheel which can be expected for a higher-end beginner speedball gun. This toolless design, when combined with the lock lever, is a great option. 


Ergonomics is very important to help minimize the size of the target that you’re presenting to the other team. The Empire Mini GS is known as the beginner speedball gun and is very compact. Given its size, it’s frequently regarded as one of the better first speedball paintball guns. 

The Dye Rize CZR is larger than the Mini GS but feels very comfortable in the hand with its hourglass grip. It also has more space for your hands and fingers if you’re a bigger paintballer. The Axe 2.0 is very similar to the Mini GS since it is just a larger version so ergonomically, simply expect a larger version of the Mini GS. Finally, the Etha 3 has a lot of room to work with so if you’re a bigger guy, this might be a great option for you.


Another thing that players buying their first paintball guns should consider is the upgradability of each marker. Each marker has different parts which can be upgraded such as the Redline board on the Mini GS and the Axe 2.0. Some of the other markers have body mods that can also be purchased, different ball detents, upgraded bolt tips, and more.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of different considerations when purchasing your first speedball paintball gun and your other accessories. Above all, make sure that you give yourself some room to grow and upgrade your paintball gun before you end up purchasing a professional paintball gun. Being able to upgrade different parts of the marker and accessories will help you develop your own playing style and preferences. That way, when you’re ready for a professional paintball marker, you know exactly what to look for. 

Whether you’re looking for your first speedball paintball gun or any other paintball outfitting, head on over to our online paintball store. At Lone Wolf Paintball, we have the best selection of markers and accessories you’ll find anywhere. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable team who will point you in the right direction. 

Happy paintballing!

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How to Walk the Trigger on a Paintball Gun

How to Walk the Trigger on a Paintball Gun

Walking the trigger is one of the most important skills that you can learn in the entire game of paintball. While it might just look like you’re wiggling your index and middle finger back and forth, this skill takes months if not years of practice to develop in order to reach high rates of fire. In this article, we’ll take a look at exactly how you can start learning to walk the trigger today. Additionally, take a look at our comprehensive YouTube video explanation of how to start walking the trigger: 

Practicing Walking the Trigger

The single best thing that you can do to learn how to walk the trigger and improve your speed is simply practice. This doesn’t mean that you need to go out and spend thousands of dollars on paintballs in order to practice. In fact, there’s an easy way to learn that costs you essentially no additional money (other than what you already spent on your marker). If you’re ever bored or just sitting around watching TV, simply grab your marker and without turning it on, just begin walking the trigger on your paintball marker. It’s as simple as that! With time, you will eventually get faster and be able to send more balls per second (BPS) down range.

Different Shooting Modes

When you “ramp” with NXL firing, the onboard electronics will automatically kick the rate of fire up to about 10 balls per second as long as you can pull the trigger more than about 3 times per second. This sounds fast, but it is actually doable for most beginner paintballers even without walking the trigger.

Using the semi-automatic firing feature on your marker is where walking really becomes important. Remember that semi-automatic simply means that for every pull of the trigger, one paintball is released.

Final Thoughts

Depending on your trigger, your paintball marker, and the rules of the game you’re playing, you may not even need to learn how to walk the trigger. However, it is still a great idea to learn how to walk the trigger since many players can reach higher rates of fire by walking rather than ramping. If you’re looking for the best selection of paintball triggers and paintball markers on the market, head on over to Lone Wolf Paintball’s online paintball store. You’ll get the best selection of paintball equipment anywhere to help outfit you for your next paintball match. If you have any questions about any of our products, please reach out to our knowledgeable sales team who will be happy to answer any of your questions. Happy paintballing!

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How to Practice Paintball to Improve

How to Practice Paintball to Improve

Paintball is a thrilling sport that perfectly blends competitive edge with the fun of recreational gameplay. It's an arena where strategy meets physical challenge, appealing to those who relish the adrenaline rush of dodging and diving behind barriers, all while plotting the next move. Whether it’s a structured match on a professional field or a spontaneous game in the woods, paintball tests your strategic thinking and agility.

But to truly excel in paintball, playing sporadically isn't enough. Serious improvement requires focused practice. It’s about more than just honing your shooting skills; effective practice helps sharpen your reflexes, improve your stealth tactics, and ensures your in-game communication is crisp and clear. Whether you're aiming to dominate at local events or you're prepping for bigger league challenges, these actionable tips will help elevate your game.

For a solid communication drill, take a look at our YouTube explanation below:

Understanding the Basics of Paintball

Before you can truly excel in paintball, it's crucial to get a solid grasp of the essentials. This includes everything from the gear you'll need to strap on to the rules that keep the game flowing smoothly. Let's break down these basics to help you get started on the right foot.

Paintball Equipment and Gear Essentials

When it comes to equipment, the primary piece is, of course, the paintball marker, commonly referred to as a "paintball gun." But that’s just the start. You’ll also need:

Goggles: A vital piece of safety equipment that protects your face and eyes.

Hopper: This attaches to your marker and holds the paintballs.

Air tank: Usually either CO2 or compressed air, this powers your marker.

Pods and Pod Packs: For carrying extra paintballs during longer games.

Protective clothing: Padded clothing can absorb some of the impacts and prevent bruises.

It's important to choose gear that's comfortable and suits the type of games you’ll be playing. Make sure everything fits properly and is maintained well to ensure safety and reliability.

Rules of the Game

The rules of paintball can significantly vary based on the game format. Common objectives include capturing a flag or eliminating all opponents. Players are considered out when struck by a paintball that breaks upon impact, and the game continues until all objectives are achieved or all team members are eliminated. Safety is another important consideration–masks must always be worn on the field, markers must have a barrel block when not in active use, and firing speeds are regulated to ensure the game is safe and fair for everyone involved. A thorough understanding of these rules is crucial not only for playing but also for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Basic Skills Every Paintball Player Should Master

To lay a solid foundation in paintball, there are essential skills every player should focus on developing. Accurate shooting is fundamental—being able to reliably hit targets can dramatically change the course of a game. Mastering cover and movement is also vital like understanding how to strategically use terrain allows players to move swiftly and safely, gaining advantages over opponents. Effective communication with teammates can also make a significant difference, often turning the tide toward victory or defeat. These basics act as a crucial launching pad for any aspiring paintball enthusiast.

Developing Individual Skills

As you progress in paintball, honing individual skills becomes crucial to your growth as a player. Here's how you can refine key areas such as marksmanship, movement, and stealth to elevate your game.

Marksmanship and Accuracy

The cornerstone of effective paintball play is marksmanship. Improving your shooting accuracy involves regular practice with targeted exercises. Setting up various targets at different distances and angles can help simulate real-game scenarios, allowing you to practice under diverse conditions. To better simulate the intensity of a real match, consider doing a 30-second sprint or pushups to failure before shooting your paintball marker. This will simulate the fatigue and adrenaline you would experience in a real paintball match.

Movement and Agility

In paintball, agility and speed often determine your survivability on the field. Consider incorporating sprints, obstacle courses, and agility ladders into your training routine to improve your quickness and footwork. Using the terrain to your advantage is also key; learn how to move effectively through different environments, whether it's darting between bunkers in a speedball field or navigating natural cover in woodsball. Practice moving quickly yet quietly to maintain an element of surprise.

Stealth and Camouflage

Stealth plays a pivotal role in paintball, especially in larger or more complex game formats. Mastering techniques to move silently can drastically increase your effectiveness by allowing you to approach opponents undetected. Focus on softening your footsteps, using low crouches, and moving slowly when near opponents. Additionally, choosing the right gear for camouflage can make you harder to spot. Select clothing and gear that match the playing environment’s color and texture, helping you blend in with your surroundings and evade detection.

By focusing on these individual skills, you not only improve your personal performance but also contribute more effectively to your team’s success. Each skill—precision in shooting, agility in movement, or mastery of stealth—can turn the tide of a game!

Final Thoughts

Practicing your paintball skills is really only half of the battle. The other half is making sure that you have the best equipment whenever you step on the field. For the best selection of paintball equipment, head over to our online paintball store and send us a quick message if you have any questions about which equipment is best for you. Also take a look at our helpful YouTube video below for some pro paintball tips with Kevin Kali Rudulph. Happy paintballing!

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How To Aim a Paintball Gun

How To Aim a Paintball Gun

Aiming a paintball gun is potentially the most important part of playing paintball–if you can’t hit the broadside of a barn, then you could be more of a liability than an asset for your team. However, when it comes to aiming your paintball gun, how you hold your gun, where you stand, and your ability to shoot the gun with both hands all play a role in your accuracy and effectiveness. Here are some tips on how to best shoot your paintball gun for maximum accuracy and effectiveness.

How to Hold the Paintball Gun

The first thing to think about when aiming your paintball gun is how you hold the paintball gun. The first thing is deciding where you want to put the air tank. Some players tuck the tank into their shoulders while other players tuck the tanks below their arms in their armpits. Some newer players rest the tank on top of their shoulders; however, this is generally not a great strategy. We recommend experimenting with putting the tank in your shoulder or below your arm, to begin with.

The reason that we recommend this placement is to help minimize the target that you present to the players on the opposite team. In the same vein as minimizing the target, wherever you decide to put the air tank, you should keep your elbow tucked down and in as much as possible. This may put your wrist and shooting hand at an awkward angle. 

However, you will still be able to shoot while minimizing the area of your body that can be hit by an opponent’s paintball. Some newbies, in the interest of eliminating the entire target, will try and shoot the paintball gun sideways. This will work for a shot or two, however after that, the paintball gun will fail to load since almost all paintball guns are gravity-fed.

When it comes to actually shooting, you may have to train with both your right and left hand. Most people are right-hand dominant, which works when you’re shooting from the right side of the bunker. However, when you’re shooting from the left side of the bunker, you’ll need to switch shoulders and hands so that you don’t present 70% of your body to the other team. 

This same principle applies on the opposite side for left-hand dominant players. It can be awkward to try and shoot with your non-dominant side, however, with enough practice you’ll become proficient and this will drastically reduce your chances of getting hit.

How to Find Cover and Cut Angles

A discussion about how to aim your paintball gun would be incomplete without touching on how to stay covered and cut angles. Many newbie players will jump out from behind the bunker and expose their entire bodies. This is a great way to get hit by a player who’s waiting for you to make just this sort of mistake. 

To keep as much of your body covered as possible, you’ll want to try and cut angles by presenting the tip of your marker first and hiding the rest of your body behind the bunker (legs included) to reduce the likelihood of getting marked. To do this, slowly advance around the edge of the bunker, making sure that you keep your legs covered and only reveal your marker and the outer edge of your goggles. This will still allow you to see opponents and shoot at them while minimizing the target.

How to Aim Your Paintball Gun

Finally, now that we’ve discussed movement, cover, and cutting angles, we can discuss how to actually aim your paintball gun. The first thing that you’ll notice about your paintball gun is that there are no optics or iron sights for you to use when aiming your paintball gun. You will also notice that your line of sight when looking along the top of the paintball gun is obstructed by the feedneck.

When shooting your paintball gun, in the absence of any aiming mechanism, you’ll want to make sure that the back of the barrel is parallel with the front of the barrel. This means that you should be able to see down the entire barrel as if it were a flat plane. The muzzle shouldn’t be elevated or your shots will go high. In the same way, the muzzle shouldn’t be below the rest of the barrel or your shots will go low. Anyone who has fired a shotgun with a bead sight will find that very similar principles apply when shooting a paintball gun. 

Next, instead of looking down the top part of the barrel, you will need to look down the side of the barrel given that the loader’s feedneck is in the way. If you’re shooting a right-hand dominant stance, you’ll want to be looking down the barrel at approximately a 2 o’clock position. If you’re shooting in a left-hand dominant position, you will want to be looking down the barrel at approximately the 10 o’clock position.

Final Thoughts

Aiming a paintball gun takes a few minutes to learn and a lifetime to perfect. The best way to learn as quickly and effectively as possible is to get on the paintball field and start throwing paint down range. For the best selection of paintball equipment, head over to our online paintball store and send us a quick message if you have any questions about which equipment is best for you. Happy paintballing!

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Top 5 Chest Protectors for Paintball

Top 5 Chest Protectors for Paintball

Paintball chest protectors are essential protective gear designed to shield your torso with added padding and reinforcement. They not only defend against paintball hits but also protect your chest and upper abdomen from falls, scratches, and other mishaps during the game. Typically made from high-impact foam, gel, or similar cushioning materials, these protectors are combined with lightweight fabric to prevent unnecessary bulk. Many paintball enthusiasts consider chest protectors invaluable, as they have prevented numerous inuries from falls, impacts, and abrasions. We strongly recommend using chest protectors to reduce the risk of injury while playing paintball. Take a look at our list of the top chest protectors for paintball players.

For a comprehensive review of chest protector performance (and to see a Lone Wolf team member take a shot in the nads), check out the video below!

HK Army Crash Chest Protector

The HK Army Crash Chest Protector is crafted for high-impact performance, emphasizing comfort and flexibility. It boasts a contoured, dual-layered pad system that absorbs shocks and reduces impact. Constructed from durable, lightweight materials, it ensures fluid mobility and breathability. The 4-way stretch inner lining enhances coverage and acts as a cooling agent. Key features include high-impact padding, enhanced comfort and durability, custom HK Army trim, and flexible lycra side panels for improved mobility and fit.

Carbon SC Pro Top

The Carbon SC Pro Top is a lightweight compression protective top is crafted as an upper body layer for active use, made from a technical blend of 85% polyester and 15% spandex to enhance breathability and range of motion. The long-sleeve shirt is designed to stay in place and provide precise protection while cooling the body during intense activities. It features built-in dual-layer elbow pads and gauntlet-style thumb/wrist loops. Key features include 4-way stretch fabric for a natural range of motion, an extended relaxed fit torso for added comfort, and gauntlet-style thumb loops to minimize movement. The shirt employs flat lock stitching to reduce irritation, a low-profile compression fit for a minimalist design, and moisture-wicking, quick-dry material to keep the wearer dry and cool, which also dries quickly after use.

Dye Performance Top

The new Dye Performance Top features compression-formed responsive air foam for optimal protection without sacrificing performance or range of motion. It incorporates moisture-wicking fabric to regulate body temperature during intense play. Additional features include side vented gussets, upper chest mesh, and Coolmax for superior climate comfort.

Bunkerkings Fly Padded Compression Wear is made from four-way, moisture-wicking stretch fabric that offers protection and mobility during dives, crawling, and impacts. Its lightweight Air Hex pad technology eliminates the bulk of traditional pads, allowing unrestricted movement. The Variable Air Hex Technology ensures the pads remain lightweight, breathable, and flexible, providing natural movement and protection in impact zones. The Air Hex layers vary in thickness from 6 to 8mm, depending on the protection needed for different zones.

BunkerKings Fly Sleeveless Compression Top

The Bunkerkings Fly Sleeveless Compression Top is made from four-way, moisture-wicking stretch fabric that offers both protection and flexibility during dives, crawling, and impacts. The lightweight Air Hex pad technology eliminates bulk, allowing unrestricted movement. Variable Air Hex Technology ensures the pads remain lightweight, breathable, and flexible, with thickness varying from 6 to 8mm depending on the impact zone. These pads are designed to protect from impacts and dives without hindering natural movement, ideal for players who want the benefits of pads without the bulk.

The light compression fit makes Fly pads the lightest on the market, providing a snug but comfortable fit that’s easy to wear and transport. Moisture-wicking skin savers, constructed from smooth lycra, quickly move sweat to the outer surface, keeping you dry and cool. This design prevents irritation and discomfort, allowing all-day wear without pain from binding and pinching.

HK Army CTX Armored Compression Shirt

The HK Army CTX Armored Compression Shirt offers targeted padding for protection, featuring Dual Fusion Hex Padding that contours the arms for maximum impact protection during dives, crawling, or being shot. Lightweight mesh zones along the ribs and back keep you cool, while a robust Exoskin layer in key high-impact areas prevents wear and tear. The shirt also includes a half glove with gripping cells to ensure the sleeve stays in place.

Wrapping Up

Aficionados of both speedball and woodsball would greatly benefit from the use of a chest protector whenever they’re playing paintball. Not only do they help cushion the impacts from paintballs, they also help protect you from falls and other injuries. For the best selection of chest protectors, take a look at Lone Wolf Paintball’s online store for the best selection of protective paintball equipment anywhere. Happy paintballing!

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