Airsoft Pouches
Airsoft Pouches
Imagine being in the middle of a firefight and running out of ammo. As you fumble to avoid dropping the spent magazine and load the new magazine, you get hit four times in the head because reloading took so long. This is where airsoft pouches come in handy!
Airsoft pouches, such as the HK Army Hostile EVAC Dump Pouch, are basically a big nylon or neoprene bag that can attach to a MOLLE belt. They provide an easy and convenient way to store your spent magazines without having to drop them on the ground and risk loss or damage. They allow players to change magazines without having to fumble to take your new magazine from the magazine pouch out and replace it with the spent magazine. As one of the most convenient accessories to help you reload and keep track of your equipment, we highly recommend each airsoft player invests in airsoft pouches.