Paintball Goggle Lenses
Paintball Goggle Lenses
One of the most important elements of your paintball gear is your paintball goggles. Perhaps the most important part of the mask is the lens which keeps your eyes safe while ensuring a wide field of view. Given the aggressive nature of paintball, it’s not uncommon for these lenses to become damaged or scratched so that they are no longer usable. Carrying an extra lens or two with you at all times can help keep you safe and effective on the field in the event that another goggle lens becomes damaged.
First and foremost, the paintball goggle lens is your primary means of vision during the game. An impaired or damaged lens can significantly hamper your ability to see clearly, track opponents, and make accurate shots. This impaired vision can ultimately affect your performance and enjoyment of the sport.

Moreover, paintball lenses are susceptible to wear and tear over time, especially if they are not properly maintained or stored haphazardly in a paintball gear bag. If lenses are stored with paint on them, they can also permanently stain the color of the lens which may be disorienting or distracting during gameplay. Regularly cleaning your lenses with a microfiber cloth is essential to prevent this. Be sure to pay close attention to the lens frame's grooves where paint can easily accumulate.
Nowadays, most paintball goggles incorporate a quick-change lens system which simplifies the cleaning and maintenance process. This also allows for quick and secure lens changes, usually in less than a minute. This comes in especially handy when the weather changes from sunny to cloudy, or as the afternoon turns into evening. Paintball goggle lenses don’t just have different colors because they look cool–the tint helps to create highlights and lowlights in different lighting conditions. Red and purple paintball goggle lenses are excellent for sunny days whereas yellow and orange lenses are better for low-light conditions. Some lenses are multi-colored and adapt on their own; however, they don’t have the same effect as monochromatic lenses.
Players Want to Know…
Frequently asked questions by paintballers…
How do you clean paintball lenses?
We put together a helpful YouTube video with a complete explanation of how to clean your paintball goggles and the lenses. Take a look at the video below:
How to Clean your Paintball Mask
Can you wear ski goggles for paintball?
No. Ski and snowboard goggles are not meant to take hits from a heavy paintball traveling at 350 fps. Beyond this, paintball goggles include additional face protection which ski and snowboard goggles do not. Please use appropriate paintball goggles when playing paintball.
Can you play paintball if you wear glasses?
Of course. For the best paintball goggles for people who use glasses, take a look at our definitive guide YouTube video below:
Best Paintball Masks if you Wear Glasses | Definitive Guide
Are paintball stains permanent?
When treated promptly, paintball stains are not usually permanent. However, if you allow the paint to dry and adhere to the clothing or goggles, it can leave a light stain.