Paintball Etiquette 101: What You Should Know

Paintball Etiquette 101: What You Should Know

On your way to the field for the first time? Make sure you make paintball friends rather than paintball foes. While the sport does involve a decent amount of pain, there are ways to dole out direct hits in a winsome way. With over 30 years of experience on the field, we at Lone Wolf Paintball have spent a lot of time on the field observing good sportsmanship and downright bad manners that will get you kicked out of any field.

Be Nice to the New Players

The number one thing that we love to see on the paintball field is experienced players being nice to newcomers. The one thing that every paintballer has in common is that, at one point, we were all beginners playing our first game. Now, the vast majority of paintballers are welcoming. However, there are a few people who have tried to go hard in the paint (literally) with the newbies and ultimately ended up discouraging them from the sport. If a new player comes up to you and asks about your brand new Luxe IDOL, maybe let them take it to the chrono-range and give it a quick try! We’re all here trying to build the sport of paintball, and being nice helps. Conversely, don’t go light up the people who are still using rental equipment or the young teenagers who are obviously there on their first paintball game day. Rentals are friends; not food.

Always Listen to the Referee

Referees are not out there making millions of dollars a year. In fact, many referees are getting paid in paint by the local field. Whether you agree with the ref or not, just listen to them and don’t turn it into a big argument. At most, it may be appropriate to go to the ref after the game and ask them why they made that call. However, in non-competition games where nothing is on the line other than your pride, just let the issue lie. If you argue, you could be given a penalty or even kicked off the field.

Follow the Safety Rules

Basic things like always keeping your goggles on and having the barrel covers on in the staging area are very important. These rules exist for a reason. Triggers accidentally get pulled, and ricocheted shots sometimes happen. Many players have taken their goggles off while on the field to clean the fog off. This is NEVER a good idea. If you can’t see, call yourself out, walk off the field, clean your goggles, and then come back on. As a corollary to this, don’t shoot in the staging area. This area is designated as neutral and shot-free. If you have to discharge your marker to see if it’s working, put your goggles on before walking onto the field, then take your barrel cover off and pull the trigger.

Bring Your Snacks and Hydration

Bring your Transfuse and your beef jerky! Don’t leave home without bringing food with you. Nobody likes the guy who is trying to bum snacks and sips off of other people and it’s likely that lunchtime won’t leave you with enough time to go out and get something to eat. So make sure you bring lunch and snacks with you to keep you fueled and ready to go on the field.

Don’t Be A Pansy!

Don’t be a pansy—you know what we mean! We’ve all seen that one guy who hangs back and never risks getting shot. The good news for him is that he will probably never get shot. The bad news for his team is that they’re essentially down a man. As people get better at playing paintball, they quickly discover that an aggressive posture is one of the keys to winning. Yes, you will get shot more, but you’ll also win more. If you’re worried about getting hurt, paintball is probably not the sport for you. However, if you want a sport that rewards your aggression and willingness to risk getting hurt for victory, welcome to paintball!

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re just starting out or have been playing for a long time, getting a refresher on basic paintball etiquette can make the game more enjoyable for everyone. If you’re ready to get out on the field and are looking for the best source of paintball equipment, head over to the Lone Wolf Paintball online store for the best selection of paintball gear anywhere! We look forward to seeing you on the field!