JT Proflex Goggles & Accessories
JT Proflex Goggles and Accessories
JT Goggles and Paintball masks are some of the most beloved paintball masks in the sport. Their anti-fog film as well as their interchangeable lenses make the masks a favorite among many novices and professional paintballers alike.
Currently, there are four different versions of JT Goggles and JT Masks that Lone Wolf Carries—the Proflex X, Proflex LE, Flex 8, and the ProShield. For over 15 years, JT has been disrupting the paintball industry and has perfected the skill of making the best masks and goggles. Their extensive line of masks has made exponential progress toward safety, style, comfort, and modularity.

Proflex X
The JT Proflex X Goggles are a giant leap from the older Proflex Models. The most popular paintball goggle now comes with the easiest goggle system in the world, called the Pro-Change Frame system.
On the inside of the JT Proflex X mask, there are two yellow tabs that players need to pull. The goggles section will then pop out and can be replaced with other goggles in a matter of seconds. The mask foam is also easily replaceable with an easy-removable system instead of having to tear out the foam and re-glue new foam.
Proflex LE
The JT Proflex LE systems are some of the most comfortable goggle systems in the world and are built on the timeless Proflex design. These goggles have ultimate face protection. The goggle section of the JT Proflex LE is rigid and can stop any paintballs. The mouth and chin guard are slightly more flexible and can move with you when running, ducking, or diving.
One of the things we love most about the JT Proflex LE is the industry-leading 260-degree field of view that the goggles offer. Like the other models, the lenses are fog-resistant so your view remains clear even on the most humid days.
Flex 8
The JT Flex 8 is the latest addition to the JT Flex family. This sleek design brings back the visor and the JT Flex 8 Full Coverage has a helmet-like style that covers the player’s entire head for maximum protection. An additional improvement to the goggles comes in a 3-degree improvement in the field of vision. Instead of 260 degrees of view, the JT Flex 8 now offers 290 degrees for the best view on the market. The concave design of the mask also helps protect a player’s chin and mouth while still maintaining the best range of movement.

Pro Shield
The JT Proshield is the original goggle system of the Spectra Line. This is the birthplace of the rest of the JT Goggle line.
One of the best things about all JT Goggles is the modularity. Depending on player preference, the mouth guard can be exchanged for different colors. Additionally, the goggles, especially on the JT Proflex LE can be changed out quickly and efficiently with other goggle lenses and accessories that fit the lighting better or are just less dirty and scratched. Regardless of which model you choose, the entire JT line comes with Lone Wolf Paintball’s seal of approval.